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In these uncertain times, we remain dedicated to our clients and will continue to provide the quality of support and advice that you have come to expect from AlvaradoSmith.

Our professionals continue to telecommute and work from our offices while complying with applicable state and federal guidelines to ensure the health and safety of our clients and employees.

We want to take this opportunity to share how AlvaradoSmith’s business continuity plan is navigating the Coronavirus landscape as attorneys and staff continue to serve clients.

Remote Working Capabilities: AlvaradoSmith is 100% cloud-based and has a virtual workspace infrastructure that enables our lawyers and professionals to collaborate effectively and work remotely from anywhere. It works seamlessly with our telephone system and all means of communication, including virtual meetings, faxes, and e-signings.

Cybersecurity Safeguards and Information Privacy Training: AlvaradoSmith has safeguards to ensure that all data is protected and that our systems are accessible in the event of a disruption. We have cybersecurity monitoring and information privacy policies in place that allow us to securely access and handle client materials in and out of the office.

Safety and Health Measures: The health and well-being of our clients and employees are very important to us.  AlvaradoSmith has adopted policies and procedures based on state and federal guidelines to prevent the spread and reduce the potential of exposure to COVID-19.  When visiting any of our office locations, face coverings are required, and social distancing measures are observed.

We are here to help: We recognize the trust placed in us, and so our attorneys are taking proactive measures to remain a resource to our clients and community. We continue to share knowledge, find solutions, and provide the guidance needed to tackle the daily changes and challenges caused by the COVID-19 Pandemic. We help businesses of all sizes address the real-world challenges impacting their operations, from employment counseling and potential liability and litigation risks to restructurings, force majure, and landlord/tenant issues.

We want to assure you that we are committed to supporting our clients, employees, and communities as effectively as we have through other crises over the decades. We remain confident that as a firm and as a community, we can get through this challenging time together.

We hope you and your loved ones stay safe and healthy.

Ruben A. Smith
Managing Shareholder