Inclusion, Diversity, Equity & Belonging
Tipping the scales toward equality for all.
Diversity and inclusion have long been fixtures of Frost Brown Todd’s culture and indeed remain core to who we are. Still, we recognize that our work is never finished. We are constantly developing and refining our approach to create a more vibrant law firm for our colleagues, our clients, and communities. Our goal is for every member of the Frost Brown Todd team to have equal and ample opportunity to contribute, grow, and find fulfillment in their work.
Four Pillars of IDEB
Inclusion Training & Workshops
Creating an inclusive environment benefits us and our clients, who receive better service from the multitude of talent that can only be achieved with people of different backgrounds, distinct perspectives and varied experience. We conduct regular training on unconscious bias, micro inequities, inclusion and other cultural competencies to ensure that Frost Brown Todd continues to be a place where people can both express and be themselves.
We also host numerous workshops and luncheons throughout the year featuring nationally recognized speakers. These workshops are widely attended across our offices and are often participatory in nature, encouraging team members to share experiences and engage more deeply with topics through conversations with their colleagues. Below is a sampling of recent inclusion workshops hosted by Frost Brown Todd:
- Legal Minds, Balanced Lives with Jacquesline Walker
- Hispanic Heritage with Actors Tony Plana & Ada Maris
- The Road to Freedom Day with Lynne Jackson
- Cultural Competency with Ritu Bhasin
- Hispanic Heritage Month with Efrén Olivares
- The Color of Law with Richard Rothstein
- LGBTQ+ Inclusion & Allyship with Dru Levasseur
- Mass Imprisonment in America with Sam Mihara
- Hispanic Heritage: Fireside Chat with Judge Marilyn Zayas
- Gatekeeping, Storytelling, and Social Change: The Secret History of Women in Hollywood
- Pride Month: Screening and Q&A with directors of CURED
- Not Passing by Passover
- The Elephant in the Office, Parts 1 & 2
- Bias Interrupters
- A Conversation About Being Black in America
- Generational Differences
- Fail Better
- Recognizing Bias Against Refugees and Understanding Our Neighbors’ Journeys
- Memories of Heart Mountain
- City of Cincinnati Poverty Simulation
- Colorblindness and Internal Bias
- We are the Solution, Not the Problem
- The Reinterpretation of Women’s Rights in Islam
- Let Me Tell You Something: Creating an LGBTQIA+ Inclusive Workplace
- How Emotional Intelligence Can Produce a More Diverse Workplace
- The Impostor Syndrome
In addition to training, we conduct employee surveys and monitor firm-wide metrics on recruitment, advancement and compensation. This ensures that we remain vigilant and continue to make progress toward our inclusion goals.
IDEB Reports
Being a truly inclusive law firm requires hard work, ingenuity, and the courage of one’s convictions. But it can also mean getting to work with young people, amazing community organizations, and having a good deal of fun in the process. In addition to relating new developments in our diversity and inclusion journey, these periodic reports are a testament to the extraordinary people who work for us and with us and whose service to diversity is an example and inspiration for us all.
- IDEB Annual Report – 2022
- Fall 2021
- Spring 2021
- Spring/Summer 2020
- Winter 2019-2020
- Summer 2019
- Spring 2019
- Fall 2018
- Summer 2018
- Spring 2018
The Frost Brown Todd Diversity & Inclusion Award
Every year we come together to recognize attorneys and business professionals who have gone above and beyond in their service to our diversity and inclusion goals. The recipients of the Frost Brown Todd Diversity & Inclusion Award are true champions of fairness and equality, as evidenced by their support for colleagues and the work they do outside the firm to enrich the lives of their fellow community members.
Affinity Groups
Frost Brown Todd’s Black@FBT affinity group bolsters the excellence and abilities of Black professionals by fostering community, mentorship, and business development while assisting with recruiting, developing, and retaining talent vital to the firm’s success. Each associate in the group is paired with a dedicated mentor to aid in practice growth, network building, and professional advancement. Black@FBT is committed to making a difference internally by strengthening and broadening our roster of diverse talent and externally through community service, social justice activities, and pipeline initiatives within the firm’s markets.
Pride@FBT is a firm-wide inclusion and belonging council that supports, represents, promotes, and advocates on behalf of all Transgender, Queer+, Bisexual, Lesbian, and Gay employees. Open to all LGBTQ+ attorneys and business professionals across offices, Pride@FBT is committed to creating a workplace culture that is inclusive, allows employees to bring their authentic selves to work, and provides meaningful connection to the broader LGBTQ+ communities in the firm’s footprint.
Pride@FBT is dedicated to providing a forum that fosters interpersonal connections, promotes mentorship/sponsorship among professionals, provides business development assistance, and supports the firm’s recruiting and retention efforts for LGBTQ+ employees.
Supporting the Future
FBT Zenobia Harris Bivens Diversity Scholarship
Our firm promotes building a pipeline of attorneys from historically underrepresented groups in our local legal community by supporting students in their education and exploration of the law. In addition to our attorneys’ mentorship initiatives, we annually award scholarships to five or more law students from diverse backgrounds who we believe will have a positive and lasting impact on the legal profession. Learn more.
1L Diversity Scholarship
Frost Brown Todd’s 1L Diversity Scholarship is open to law students who have successfully completed paid internships in our summer program. Scholarships are awarded to select students who (a) are from backgrounds historically underrepresented in the legal profession, (b) demonstrate academic excellence, and/or (c) share our core values, including a history of service to the community and a commitment to diversity. Learn more.
We participate in four regional diversity job fairs every year to be able to solicit a diverse pool of candidates beyond our local law schools. We also consider diversity from the start by using structured panel interviewing to guard against unconscious bias, while ensuring that we’re considering the full spectrum of diversity in the hiring process.
Community Engagement
Through various outreach programs, we connect with local and national organizations focused on righting the opportunity imbalance for diverse professionals. The following organizations are among those we routinely and adamantly support:
- Association of Law Firm Diversity Professionals (ALFDP)
- Black Lawyers Association of Cincinnati (BLAC)/CBA Roundtable
- Central High School Pipeline Program
- Chart Your Own Course (CYOC)/Stakeholders
- Columbus Managing Partner Initiative
- Cristo Rey High School Pipeline Program
- Diverse by Design, Cincinnati Regional Chamber
- Greater Cincinnati Minority Counsel Program (GCMCP)
- Hispanic National Bar Association
- Law & Leadership Institute (LLI)
- Leadership Council on Legal Diversity (LCLD)
- Summer Work Experience in Law (SWEL)
We have programs in place to monitor and measure our diversity metrics, focusing particularly on the advancement and retention of professionals historically underrepresented in the legal profession. These metrics have helped raise awareness about potential blind spots and led to the adoption of new change initiatives, the most recent of which are detailed below. But, while we are proud that our efforts continue to pay dividends with respect to the employee experience, we acknowledge that we still have plenty of work to do. We know that being true leaders requires a purposeful commitment to EQUITY in every sense of the word.
Mansfield Rule™ Plus Certified
Frost Brown Todd is one of a select group of U.S. law firms to achieve Mansfield Rule™ Plus Certification, a rigorous 12-month benchmarking program that requires law firms to not only consider at least 30% diverse candidates (defined as attorneys of color, women, and LGBTQ+ attorneys) for open positions and advancement opportunities, but also demonstrate that diverse attorneys make up a meaningful percentage of those currently serving in leadership and governance roles. Frost Brown Todd has recommitted to the process and is currently seeking certification under the latest iteration of the program, which annually introduces new or expanded requirements based on evolving best practices. As part of the program, the firm has also committed to participating in three-month, six-month and annual check-in surveys and data collection requests, while also engaging in community building and knowledge sharing with other participating firms.
Stay Interviews
Many companies ask departing employees to sit for an exit interview to understand why the person has chosen to leave the organization. Frost Brown Todd is in the process of establishing the convention of “stay interviews.” This will enable us to better understand why lawyers remain with the firm and what might cause them to leave.
Community Engagement
The following organizations are among those we routinely and adamantly support:
- Association of Law Firm Diversity Professionals (ALFDP)
- CBA LGBT Committee
- CEO Action Signatories
- Equality Ohio
- Human Rights Campaign (HRC)
- Institute for Inclusion in the Legal Profession (IILP)
- Women in Law Empowerment Forum
- Pride Parade Corporate Sponsor
Frost Brown Todd’s forward-looking leadership in the legal DEI space is evident in the adoption of our newest pillar—Belonging—making us one of the first law firms to not only hire a Chief Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Belonging Officer, but to also formalize efforts specifically targeted to engaging the whole of firm in the responsibility we have to elevate the systems and structures supporting employee engagement, well-being, and active allyship in the workplace. We are confident these updated priorities, and the level of engagement they’ve generated, will continue to bolster the retention of talent vital to the firm’s success and to our ability to serve clients in an increasingly intersectional economy.
Diversity Scholarship
The Frost Brown Todd Diversity Scholarship Fund is one of many unique ways our firm promotes building a pipeline of diverse attorneys in our local legal community.
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Women's Initiative
The mission of our Women’s Initiative is consistent with our firm’s diversity mission: to work towards an inclusive environment where everyone has an equal opportunity to succeed.
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IDEB Reports
Read about the latest milestones in our IDEB journey, our actions and measurable commitments, as well as the people and teams leading the charge at FBT.
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IDEB Committee Members
At FBT, we recognize we are on a journey. And it’s one that requires each of us to lean in to doing and being better for our teammates, for our clients, and for the communities we are privileged to serve. We are at an inflection point; we have more work to do, collectively and individually, to advance diversity and promote equity of opportunity for all on our FBT team. As we draw ever closer to that inclusive culture we seek, we must ensure the whole of FBT—teammates, clients and communities—feel like an important part of our journey forward.
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