Louisville, KY
Data is at the heart of all AI technologies – from inputs like prompts, algorithms and training data, to outputs and usage. And with more companies, employees and consumers exploring and adopting AI, understanding the key elements of Data Governance is crucial. This presentation will provide guidance in navigating and complying with data privacy laws in AI use and development. It will also examine security protections and challenges in AI applications and as a part of networks. Finally, we’ll discuss the importance of structuring and documenting an overall data governance program to support innovation and mitigate risks to the organization.
*This program is pending CLE approval in California, Colorado, Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, and West Virginia. We will not be applying for CLE in other states; however, you may self-report your participation following the program. To receive credit, you must log in from your own device to ensure your attendance is tracked and participate in required interactive activities.
Louisville, KY
Washington, D.C.
Nashville, TN
This webinar is the last installment in a three-part series Frost Brown Todd is presenting
in partnership with Lexology’s Masterclass programming. There is no cost to register.
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