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  • What Every Manufacturer Should Know about Protecting Their IP [Webinar Video]

This seminar provides important information about the manufacturing industry, including how to best protect intellectual property (IP).  The video breaks the manufacturing process down to present a clear picture of when and how to obtain IP.  The entire video may be viewed in less than an hour.

Filing patent applications and trademark applications should already be a priority for members of the manufacturing industry.  It is well known that patents are of tremendous value to manufacturers.  Equally important are trademarks, service marks, copyrights, and domain name disputes (ICANN has UDRP proceedings).  Enforcement of patents, trademarks and other IP is a must.  Also, with the recent Defense of Trade Secrets Act (DTSA), a better understanding of how a trade secret policy results in robust trade secrets is helpful.  Add to that aspects of proper drafting and negotiation of contracts regarding IP ownership and IP rights, and you will be fully equipped to take simple steps to capture IP, successfully avoid litigation and reduce the risk of infringing a competitor’s IP.

Contact Doug Schelling or Chip Campbell with any questions.