Trucking & Transportation Tort Defense
We have successfully managed, resolved and defended hundreds of claims against trucking companies and truck drivers. As a Frost Brown Todd client, companies have a readily available network of defense counsel in other jurisdictions as well as ready access to resources such as investigators and consultants. We can also bring a wide range of experts to bear, including experts qualified in accident reconstruction, human factors, biomechanical engineering, occupant kinematics, toxicology, pathology, and economic damages. Whether in high-stakes courtroom disputes or strategy meetings, our comprehensive, hands-on approach helps our clients efficiently manage every potential claim.
Key Contacts

Indianapolis, IN

Indianapolis, IN
How We Help Clients
Our trial attorneys a have substantial experience litigating personal injury and death claims relating to commercial trucking. The group has the appropriate contacts to bring a wide range of experts to bear, including experts qualified in accident reconstruction, human factors (conspicuity, fatigue, etc.), biomechanical engineering, seat belt, occupant kinematics, toxicology, pathology, driver training, hiring and retention, vocational disability and economic damages.
Through a close working relationship with other experienced Frost Brown Todd attorneys, our team seamlessly provides our clients with guidance through the ever-changing federal and state regulations relating to employment and environmental matters in the commercial transportation industry. In particular, our attorneys have experience dealing with the distinct needs and regulatory issues arising from toxic substance spills, including diesel fuel, hazardous chemical cargo, waste products and other substances. Our attorneys also regularly assist clients in navigating issues clients face in their roles as employers, including brokerage disputes, cargo claims, contract and owner-operator issues.
We have successfully managed, resolved and defended hundreds of claims against trucking companies and truck drivers. From the time of the accident response and investigation through the final resolution, our comprehensive, hands-on approach enables our clients to manage every potential claim. We can also provide guidance and education to our trucking and insurance clients through in-house training seminars. Our team includes members of the Transportation Lawyers Association (TLA) and the Defense Research Institute (DRI).
We provide coordinated regional or national coordination of claims and litigation to promote efficiencies of scale and familiarity as well as stability and uniformity of claims management procedures. As a Frost Brown Todd client, companies have a readily available network of defense counsel in other jurisdictions, along with ready access to resources such as investigators, consultants and expert witnesses.
Our team shares its knowledge and experience by presenting programs to our commercial transportation clients and our insurance industry clients to enhance safety and provide specific and detailed assistance in managing claims from the time of the incident through the trial. These seminars provide an opportunity for management, claims personnel, safety managers and drivers to become familiar with the proper procedures for the investigation stage immediately following an accident. Topics addressed include the need for immediacy and accuracy in the preservation of scene evidence; the identification of witnesses and the preservation of evidentiary privileges and avoiding claims of spoliation through the legally sufficient preservation of driver logs, ECM data and other records.
We are also committed to staying at the forefront of evolving regulations and technological advances in the transportation industry. Our attorneys remain active in a variety of organizations, including TLA, the Self Insurer’s and Risk Managers Committee and Commercial Transportation Litigation Committee of the American Bar Association and the Trucking Law Committee of the Defense Research Institute.
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